Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad
Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad

Leather Braided Bracelet Men Bracelets Personalised 2 Names 2 Beads Gift For Dad

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+A$7.99 For Quality Warranty For Extra 90 Days
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SKU: BA102699

The unique charm of men's leather bracelets infinitely magnifies the unique style of men.


——It feels comfortable on your wrist, and the soft leather bracelet is surrounded by personalised beads. Customise your exclusive words to make simple bracelets meaningful and fashionable.

Item Specifics:

  • Material: Leather, Stainless Steel
  • Bracelet Length: 8.5"(21.5 cm)
  • Gift for: Father, Husband, Son, Best friend, Grandpa, Boyfriend, etc.
  • Festival & Occasion: Birthday Gift, Valentine's Day, Daily, Anniversary Gift, Christmas, Father's Day, etc.
  • Product Type: Customised Men's Bracelets, Best Gift For father, Men's Bangle, Personalised Bracelet with Family Names

Free Shipping Over A$79.99

Delivery Time = Handcraft Time + Shipping Time


  • It may take 5 working days longer for peak season orders delivery, please note.

Handcraft Time:

  • Keychain: 2-3 Working Days
  • Birthstone Jewelry/Engraving Jewelry: 2-3 Working Days
  • Name Necklace/Bracelet/Rings: 5 - 9 Working Days
  • Other Personalized Item: 2 - 3 Working Days

Shipping & Time:

Standard  7 – 12 Business Days A$6.99

New Zealand
Standard  7 – 12 Business Days NZ$7.5

USPS Shipping 7 – 10 Business Days A$9.99
Express 4 – 6 Business Days A$35

Standard  15 – 20 Business Days A$12.99
Express 5 – 9 Business Days A$35

Standard  7 - 10 Business Days A$9.99
Express 5 – 8 Business Days A$35

Standard  7 - 10 Business Days A$9.99
Express 5 – 8 Business Days A$35

Germany Europe  GERMANY

Standard  7 - 10 Business Days A$9.99
Express 5 – 8 Business Days A$35


How longs does it take to receive my product?

It takes about 2-4 business days for our product to be produced and sent out. Once shipped, generally It will deliver time 7-12 business days. Please note that during the holidays our production time may vary.

How much is shipping?

Standard shipping would charge A$6.99 for orders under $79.99. Free Shipping over A$79.99 Worldwide.

How will I know my order has shipped?

You will receive a shipping confirmation email once your order is ready to ship. Once you have received this email please allow 24-48 hours for your tracking number to update.

Where do you ship from?

We have different warehouses based on inventory. Usually, we ship from California, USA or Sydney, Australia.